This is because of the few basic writing mistakes they do every time however there are lots of good blogs available online to help in writing a good blog but lack of knowledge people are just writing and leaving their blogs and quitting as a blogger with an impression of negative feeling that writing for blogs is a tough task and every one.
My dear friends, this is not the way to be a professional blogger because people become blogger either by interest or by passion, however there is absolutely minor difference between interest based blogging or passion based blogging and I have seen many successful bloggers who are writing with passion because if one has passion about something then there is nothing in the world which one can not achieve.
Further I have read lots of stories about writers who went from rags to riches. Below story is taken from my motivational blog Pluck My Feet. I stress you all to go through the story and learn about how to write for blogs.
"J.K Rowling went from living on state benefits to becoming a multi-millionaire within five years.
In 2008, the Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowling’s fortune at £560 million, ranking her as the twelfth richest woman in the United Kingdom.
She was also named the “Most Influential Woman in Britain” by leading magazine editors.
Now she’s the richest author in the world.
Even Stephen King was so poor that he and his wife used to borrow money to buy basic clothing.
Writing turned his fortune around.
As at 2013, King was worth approximately $400 million. You see what writing has done for him?
I could go on and on telling you writers who were poor before they got rich and became famous through writing.
Now, you know you can get rich writing, probably through blogging, which helps you connect with the world. So what’s next?"
You want to become a great writer?
There are 7 writing mistakes you must avoid.
In this write-up, you’ll discover the unforgivable writing blunders and know how to prevent them from showing up on your blog. Click here to read 7 writing mistakes